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The Development of Anxiety in Youth Study (DAYS) is a landmark study on how brain development is linked to anxiety during adolescence.  DAYS enrollment is now closed, but we are hard at work interpreting the data. Please see below for current research opportunities and additional information.

New Research Opportunity

Attention parents of kids ages 9 to 12 The Cognitive Regulation During Development (CORDD) study is focused on understanding how different moods affect youth’s cognitive skills.​


Contact Information: Phone: (424) 272-0240 Email:


We are looking for children between the ages of 9 and 12 and their biological mothers to participate in a study that involves two visits. Visit 1 consists of a diagnostic interview that screens for mental health conditions and a set of cognitive tasks, questionnaires, and other measures. During Visit 2, participants complete a non-invasive brain scan (fMRI) that measures their brain activity while they play computer games. The diagnostic evaluation is free, as is parking at both sessions. In addition, families will be compensated $75.


Kids and their mother are eligible if kids:

1) are between ages 9 to 12

2) are English-speaking

3) are free of ferrous-containing metal, and

4) do not have any history of mood disorders


If this is something that you and your child are interested in, please let us know and we will schedule a time to chat by phone to determine whether you and your child are eligible for the first study visit. Thank you for considering this opportunity. 



COVID-19 Updates

We are thinking of you during these times of unprecedented challenge created by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We hope that you are safe and healthy and coping as well as possible with dramatic changes on every front. For DAYS updates, please read our study newsletter. On the following slides, we have also provided helpful information on maintaining health and well-being during the stay at home order.


Relevant research on adolescent mental health and why we believe a mental health evaluation during this stage, may help you and your child.


August 3, 2018

Researchers have discovered an inherited brain pathway that increases the risk of anxiety in monkeys, and if the research translates to humans, it could have huge implications for treating overwhelming anxiety.

Woman on Window Sill

February 26, 2018

That's the premise behind a new recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics, one of the largest groups of doctors of its kind. In its new guidelines, released Monday and published in the journal Pediatrics, the group says all young people over the age of 12 should be screened for depression every year — potentially as part of their annual check-up.

Best Friends Chatting

November 15, 2013

Although interpretation biases are well documented among youth with anxiety disorders, understanding of their neural correlates is limited. In particular, there has been little study of how anxious youth neurobiologically represent changing contextual cues that may trigger anxiety. This study examined neural responses during a task in which participants viewed neutral faces paired with experimentally manipulated contextual stimuli.

Brain Sketch

March 29, 2017

The rate of development of the brain connectome distinguishes adolescents with and without psychiatric symptoms. Those with symptoms exhibit delayed development of connectome distinctiveness as compared to healthy adolescents.

Girls in Nature

August 11, 2016

Decreasing Conflict and Increasing Positive Interaction, Therapist Guide


The study begins with two visits to UCLA. During Visit 1 kids will meet with a clinician and answer questions about their moods and feelings. They'll also play some computer games and answer some questionnaires. During Visit 2 kids will undergo an fMRI brain scan and play an additional computer game. In between both visits, we'll send kids home with a sleep watch to wear at night. These two visits will be repeated annually for the next three years to track adolescent brain development. For more information please see the "About" tab.


760 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County 90024


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760 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County 90024

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